COVID-19 resulted in an expansion of telehealth capabilities and sustainable insurance reimbursement rates for health centers across the nation. As an unintended consequence, LGBTQIA+ individuals who often have to travel far distances to reach their culturally competent health care providers are finally able to access their care easily. It is essential that we advocate for continued use of and reasonable reimbursement rates for telehealth visits to continue to be able to reach our rural LGBTQIA+ communities.

The National LGBTQIA+ Primary Care Alliance will be lobbying to state representatives and allied institutions, like NACHC, to push to ensure telehealth continuation and insurance reimbursement is a priority and invested in. We also aim to lobby for a legislative intervention that would relax state licensing regulations, allowing providers to expand their telehealth reach beyond state lines so our culturally competent providers can meet the needs our most isolated LGBTQIA+ communities.

A transfeminine non-binary person and transmasculine gender-nonconforming person looking at a phone with upset expressions.jpg